Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christopher Daniels Back On Impact ?

At last week's Impact tapings, Christopher Daniels appeared on the show as the Suicide character, and it's being reported that he will continue to work under the mask until Kazarian is ready to return to TV. It should be noted that TNA has no plans to use Daniels as the Suicide character on any kind of permanent basis, he is just playing it on TV now to keep the character's momentum going until Kazarian finishes his injury rehab.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Booker T And Jeff Jarrett Have An Argument Backstage

Jeff Jarrett and Booker T got into some sort of a backstage argument over the direction of a storyline at a recent Impact taping. Apparently Booker wanted to make changes to an angle as he was unhappy with the way it was scheduled to play out, however Jarrett wanted the angle to remain the way it was written by creative. In the end, Jarrett reportedly "threw his arms up in the air" and gave up the fight, allowing Booker to implement the changes he wanted. According to the report, this is a further example of Jarrett being somewhat of a pushover when it comes to dealing with big names talents. Although Booker publicly respects Jarrett, it's being reported that backstage he has little to no confidence in the direction and stability of the TNA creative team.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Kevin Nash Released From The Hospital

TNA star Kevin Nash has been released from the hospital and he is now home in Florida. The surgery was a success. No news yet regarding his planned return.

Also,this past Thursday night's edition of TNA Impact! scored a 1.2 cable rating and drew 18 million viewers, in its second largest audience in the show's history. This beat the past week's edition of ECW on Sci-Fi that scored a 1.1 cable rating, which is down significantly from the previous week's 1.4 draw.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Paul London & Super Crazy To TNA ?

Paul London, he had been in the dog house for quite some time, ever since he smiled during the live shot right before Vince McMahon's explosion angle in June 2007. Regarding his future in wrestling, London's continuing his wrestling career as he's currently accepting bookings through an agent. The AAA promotion out of Mexico is said to be interested in his services, and he speaks Spanish, which helps a lot but they are currently on a hiring freeze. TNA is also said to be very interested in signing London if he is available.

TNA is also interested in signing Super Crazy when his WWE no-compete clause expires. The general feeling is he will accept if an offer is made. Both could be great additions to the fading x-division.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christian Cage Back To WWE ?

Christian Cage is on his way out of TNA. He is even being written out of TNA by the TNA writers. They were prepared this time so they made a great storyline move that you will see tonight.

They are having the Main Event Mafia basically take out Cage. And they are supposed to be bringing up the WWE. They are making it seem like they are single handily kicking Cage out TNA.

TNA writers did this because of the big possibility that he is going to the WWE. And is seems like it is a reality now. The WWE are now holding off Edge's return so that he can come back with Christian.

Which will ultimately make Edge a face again. Cage's return also brings new depth to the tag division, which the WWE is trying to build up. There were speculations that Cage would return as an enemy to Edge and they would reunite their feud that Cage left off on.

Of course Christian Cage was a big star in TNA and he will be even bigger in the WWE, especially now that he has been in TNA and built himself up as a World Title contender. He may even be a future WWE Champion, but we will have to wait on that of course.

Vince has wanted Cage back for a while now, and it looks right now as if he will get him. Cage feels the move to the WWE would be best for his family, and the pay would be just about triple of what he makes in TNA.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rumors On TNA & Chris Daniels

As some are suggesting bringing Low Ki back to TNA as noted in an earlier story, there are some suggesting that TNA creative should bring back "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels to join the TNA "Originals" side in the fight against the Main Event Mafia.

This makes lots of good sense. Daniels is a multi-time X Division and TNA/World Tag Team Champion. He is a TNA Original Star, never having been significantly in WWE. TNA owns a substantial library of great Christopher Daniels matches so he is a valuable asset to TNA, and that value only grows with his return. He has been out of TNA for quite a while so all match-ups with him will appear fresh. He has history with Sting, having worked a program with him.

The arguments against Daniels are few, but are likely focused on some in TNA creative blaming him for the angle with Sting not being as strong as hoped. Of course, both TNA creative and Sting may have been as responsible. Also the aborted Triple X re-teaming did not go so good either and might also be his heat rather than creative's.

One thing appears true is that Curry Man, who may be Chris Daniels, and the other popular comedy characters are not being used much right now by TNA. Regardless of the fact that Curry Man has performed in some great matches as a wrestler including both Terror Dome Matches and the World X Cup series, it appears that TNA creative has lumped him into a comedy category, and he may not even be booked for the X Division Contender match at Turning Point.